Membership Criteria

Qualifications for Retail Members
An Organization is eligible to be a Retail Member where it is an Organization which, as determined in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, is an owner-operated retail Organization with its head office in Canada, serving as a community destination for specialty toys, with its primary business being the retail sale of specialty toys and child-related items, and maintaining a bricks and mortar full service environment.

Qualifications for Supplier Members
An Organization is eligible to be a Supplier Member where it is an Organization which, as determined in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, conducts business in Canada, manufactures, distributes and/or imports quality products for the specialty toy market in Canada; and offers services and programs that support specialty/toy retailers in their efforts to maintain a full-service environment.

Qualifications for Independent Sales Agent Members
An Organization is eligible to be an Independent Sales Agent Member where it is an Organization which, as determined in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, conducts business in Canada, sells products for the specialty toy market in Canada, and offers services and programs that support specialty toy retailers in their efforts to maintain a full-service environment.